الأحد، 24 فبراير 2013

easy DIY : earings holder

hi lovelies,

you're gonna be surprised on how easy it is to make this progect
all you need is a cushion from your old watch box

we're going to use this cushion  to hold our earings or our watches ofcourse .
no need for glue or any messy stuff ..just push the end of your earing into the little pillow and voila :)

it wont only save you space and reduce the mess ,it will also look so pretty in your drawer.

easy right!

My Top 3 Favourite makeup removers (Drugstore)

My top 3 favourite makeup removers

removing your makeup is a very important step in your nightly skin routine, and finding the right makeup remover will  make your life easer and your skin happier :D
here are my top 3 affordable,gentle makeup removers ..

1- neutrogena hydrating makeup remover :
 great for acne prone and sinsitive skin ..it doesn't leave your skin feeling tight .

2-loreal makeup remover
a lot of people didnt know how great it is becouse they didnt know how to use it .
 it's gentle ..and perfect for sensititve skin
I use it to remove my eye makeup AND face makeup


3-jonson and jonson makeup wipes:
it's hydrating and removes alllll of your makeup.

انتبهوا دائما ازيلوا الميك اب عشان بشرتكم تتنفس و لا تنسون تغسلون الوجه بعد استخدام مزيل المكياج
ان شاء الله استفدتوا
نشوفكم قريب :)
*not sponsored


الأربعاء، 13 فبراير 2013

Valentine's Day Outfits Ideas

hi lovelies <3

the outfits that I put togater are  soft and faminine. We dont necessarily have to wear red from head to toe...a simple touch of red or pink to your outfit..,  red sexy lips , or red nailpolish can make a differece to your look.


looks nice with red flats  :)


outfit #2

wore with thick black tights and sparkley accessories .

outfit #3


#4 : Day outfit

which outfit  you like best?? :)